Cardinal Kids FAQs

Pediatric Palliative Care Program
The Cardinal Kids Palliative Care Program is a program created by Carolina Caring for children between birth and young adult who are suffering from a serious illness. Carolina Caring’s Cardinal Kids Palliative Care Program can help.

What is Carolina Caring’s Cardinal Kids Program?
The program was established with the goal of helping children and their families navigate the challenges that may arise when a child is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness or condition. Our hope is that we can help families and children improve their quality of life as they face the symptoms and stress that develop due to illness in the family.

How can the Cardinal Kids Program help?
Cardinal Kids clinicians work closely with the child, his/her physicians and the child’s family to manage and treat some of the physical symptoms caused by his/her illness. Our team can help identify any social, emotional, or spiritual needs that the child and family may have. Cardinal Kids clinicians work in partnership with the child’s physicians to develop care plans that compliment the care that the child is already receiving. It is our hope that blending palliative care with curative treatment will provide the child and the family with the most comprehensive medical care possible.

How does Palliative Medicine work?
Cardinal Kids Staff can help manage common symptoms associated with a child’s illness, such as pain, shortness of breath, anxiety, and nausea. We help bridge the lines of communication between families and medical personnel. Our goal is to consistently work together to care for the unique needs of children and their families. We are the resource to help families make difficult decisions and process what is happening in the life of their family and child.

How do I find out more?
Call Carolina Caring’s Cardinal Kids Program at 828.466.0466 to speak to a clinician today. Your doctor can arrange a consultation with us or you can call us yourself. If you are in the hospital or another health care facility, ask your care team about Carolina Caring’s Cardinal Kids Program. We would be honored to work with you, your family, and your medical team to help develop a personalized plan of care to help you as you navigate your child’s serious illness.