Joann Auton loves life - her neighborhood, her bright green Dodge Challenger, her church, her friends, and family. She also loves Richard. The two of them were inseparable as kids; Joann always teasing and protecting her little brother. They grew up and committed to staying as close as they were when they were little, no matter what. Joann never could have imagined how true those words would be later.

In 2015, Richard suffered a medical emergency while working in his field. Thankfully, a neighbor discovered him and came to help, and Richard lived, but he remained paralyzed on his right side. At 62 years old, Richard did not have Medicare, and his insurance company quickly dropped him.  Disability was denied, so the only financial resources Richard had was $10 each month in food stamps. To Joann, it was as if Richard had fallen through the cracks.

For four years, the constant daily pressures of Richard’s situation began to overwhelm Joann. Despite her best efforts, she knew that he needed medical care and attention beyond what she could provide, and they could not afford that kind of care.  Joann was desperate. She heard the name of an organization in the area, Carolina Caring. Not knowing what they could do, she made a call.

Joann called Carolina Caring on a Sunday. They came out for an assessment on Tuesday. Her brother Richard was officially admitted into a palliative care program on Thursday. After four long years, relief was finally on the way.

Carolina Caring came in and relieved the burden of care from Joann, allowing her to be the “big sister” once again and not the caregiver. One of Joann’s most emotional experiences came late one night when Richard wasn’t feeling well; unsettled and in pain. In a panic, she called his nurse and she came out immediately and sat with them through the darkest part of the night, offering support, care and kindness to both of them. Virtually overnight, Carolina Caring was able to address Joann’s fear and insecurities about caring for her brother, as well as give Richard back his dignity. Joann was able to spend more time with her brother, not as a caregiver, but as a loving older sister who was willing to move heaven and earth to find the care he needed.

Richard is no longer with us, but Joann still lights up when she talks about her baby brother and how special the last few years of his life were thanks to Carolina Caring.  Joann credits the staff for making the most out of Richard’s time that he had left, and for giving her the peace of mind and support to enjoy spending time with her brother. Providing medical care and a dedicated team at no cost to their family lifted that burden from Joann’s shoulders and helped create more lasting memories for her and their family.

With your help, Carolina Caring can work to ensure that situations like Joann and Richard’s are addressed as quickly as possible. No one should be left to fall between the cracks and go without medical care. We ask that you consider making a gift today, which will allow for patients to receive care, regardless of their financial situation.